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TMJ (TMD) Physical Therapy

Offered at these locations;

Westside, North Tramway, Bernalillo, Pelvic Health, Aquatics, Rio Rancho, South Tramway, Pediatrics + Scoliosis

TMJ stands for Tempero-Mandibular Joint—the joint that connects your jaw to your skull. Every single person with a normal jaw has a “TMJ.

”When their jaw is in pain, some people confuse the issue by saying “I have TMJ”, when what they actually have is something called TMD (Tempero-Mandibular Dysfunction). Often it is your dentist who will diagnose you with TMD.​

Who Can Benefit from TMD Treatment for TMJ?

There are many different dysfunctions that involve the TMJ itself, the surrounding musculature, and the other surrounding joints.

Depending on the individual, TMD symptoms may include:

- Pain at the jaw or near the ear

- Popping, clicking, or locking of the jaw

- Difficulty eating hard foods

- Neck pain

- Headaches

- Pain with laughing, yawning and eating​

Patients who present with any of these symptoms can benefit from TMD treatment.​​

How Does TMD Rehab Work?

At Balanced  Physical Therapy, treatment of TMD consists of the following:

- Hands on soft tissue mobility/deep tissue work

- Strengthening exercises for the jaw and neck

- Postural exercises

- Modalities for pain relief

- Home exercises

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